Main »  Ratings »  Academy of European Business Commercial Sientific and Manufacturing Company LLC

Academy of European Business Commercial Sientific and Manufacturing Company LLC

Rating's change chart

Issue rating
Special purpose bonds series А total value of 30 520 393 UAH due 28.12.09

Event Date Rating Outlook Release Report
Withdrawal 08.09.09 withdrawn
Suspended 14.05.09 suspended
Affirmation with outlook change 09.12.08 uaB- Negative
Affirmation 07.08.08 uaB- Stable
Affirmation 03.06.08 uaB- Stable
Affirmation 06.03.08 uaB- Stable
Affirmation 08.11.07 uaB- Stable
Affirmation 27.09.07 uaB- Stable
Affirmation 03.07.07 uaB- Stable
Affirmation 30.03.07 uaB- Stable
Assignment 16.11.06 uaB- Stable