The rating of Odesa confirms at uaАА- Credit-Rating confirms the rating of Odesa at uaАА- Credit-Rating confirms the rating of Odesa at uaАА-

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CREDIT-RATING: Analysis of the banking institution activities for 1Q2008
According to the results of 1Q2008 Credit-Rating has not discovered any significant negative changes in activities of the banking institutions with ratings assigned. But compared to the same period of 2007 there was a decrease in development rates of the banks and worsening of some their indicators...
Development of Residential Construction in Eastern Ukraine in 2004-2006
The volumes of residential real estate ready for occupation in Eastern Ukraine, namely Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkiv oblasts, seem to be insufficient to meet demand.  This is clearly shown in both supply and demand analysis and in the comparison of per capita nominal residential space in the above mentioned regions to of the rest of the country...
Over the last five years, the volumes of capital investments made in the housing construction market have been increasing. One of the key sources of cash attraction is housing bonds, which entered the market some years ago. At the same time, housing bonds were widely used during the years 2005-2006 when some changes were made to Ukrainian Laws regarding Investment Activities...
CREDIT-RATING: Guidelines for Assigning Credit Ratings to Issuers Whose Housing Bond Issues Have Been Rated
Credit rating assignment to Issuers of zero-coupon (housing) bonds involves the investigation of the Issuers business environment, including in particular the analysis of the market environment, demand, consumers, and competitors. An analysis of the interior environment includes the analysis of financial and economic activity, efficiency of the administrative and financial management, assessment of the debt load, assessment of risks and the Issuers capability to reduce them, as well as analysis of the companys construction investment activity: the Issuers or the company groups experience in managing construction projects, the possibility of financial and other support from partners in the holding of the company group, promptness and quality of the construction work performed...
REDIT-RATING: Distinctions in the Estimation of the Rating for Housing Bonds (Part I)
Topic  1: Housing Bonds as an Instrument of Cash Attraction for Residential Construction Financing Among the different types of bonds i.e. interest, discount, housing, of the greatest interest are the latter. This has a rational explanation: these securities accord the right to obtain residential accommodation...
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