We Do Not Sell Ratings, Yet Providing Impartial Analysis
As I hear word 'rating' I imagine posters and press-releases
about conducting whatever unbelievable ratings - whether they are about conutries by
standards of living or by level of corruption, the rating of the cheapest goods or
highest-paid models, dangerous snakes of silliest dogs. Then I see presenting awards,
prizes, flowers and certificates. And after that I see a gloomy picture: endless,
diagrams, exhibits, tables and people working at computers.. People involved in issuing,
assigning and revising ratings. Realizing my view is too far from reality I decided to
learn what is a rating procedure over one of the most precise ratings - a credit rating.
And I set may sails to the capital city to get information from the first hands -
Stanislav Dubko, a CEO of Credit-Rating agency.
Stanislav Dubko: 'A thougher task is to proove our competence
to the public, than to professional investors. In this case the evaluation is more
emotional.. we should choose an evolutionary way'