Approval of the National Rating Scale at the state level has positive impact on Ukrainian investors
On 26th April the Ukrainian government approved the National Rating Scale. According to Stanislav Dubko, Credit-Rating's CEO, the state's acknowledgement of the scale may positively influence the would-be investors and play an important role in development of the Ukrainian economy.
'Taking into account the fact that ratings have been more actively used in regulation of different market sectors, this decision allowed the investors to get the fuller idea of what the rating exactly is, and to orientate themselves more precisely in the structure of ratings, thus to make a sound decision on investing into a certain instrument of the Ukrainian financial market' Mr. Dubko says.
According to the agency's CEO, the rating of the scale approved at the state level is more trustworthy for Ukrainian investors, with not all of them being familiar with the system of rating assessment.
'Moreover, the infant Ukrainian structures, such as mutual funds and non-state pension funds, get an additional possibility to build up confident relations with their customers' Mr. Dubko said.
The Credit-Rating agency has operated on the Ukrainian market since 2001 being committed to assignment of the national scale ratings. Since 2003 the agency's ratings have been officially recognized by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Since 2004 Credit-Rating has been an authorized agency of State Commission for Securities and Stock Market for assigning ratings to the subjects of economic activity, to industries and municipalities. The agency has assigned 509 ratings, specifically to 424 Ukrainian companies, 60 financial institutions and 25 municipalities.
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