"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaBBB long-term credit rating to Odessa-based "Odessa Cognac Factory" CJSC ("the company"). The main company`s activity is production of cognac...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaB+ (uaB plus) long-term credit rating to the forthcoming issue of the registered coupon bonds (of A series) by Kiev-based "Kompaniya Rikon" LLC ("the Issuer" or "the company") for the amount of UAH 10m with the 3-year original maturity...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaBBB long-term credit rating to the issue of the registered zero-coupon (housing) bonds (of D2 J2 series) by Kharkiv-based "Trest Zhitlobud-1" OJSC ("the Issuer" or "the company") for the amount of UAH 23...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today affirmed the uaBBB long-trem credit rating assigned to the debt obligation by the city of Ivano-Frankivsk for the amount of UAH 5.5m with the 5-year original maturity. The Outlook on the rating is Stable...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaBBB long-term credit rating to the issue of registered zero-coupon (housing) bonds (of A series) by Kiev-based "Construction and commercial firm "Granit" LLC ("the Issuer" or " the company") for the amount of UAH 66...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaBB- (uaBB minus) long-term credit rating to the forthcoming issue of the registered zero-coupon (housing) bonds (of G and H series) by Kiev-based "Gradostroy" LLC ("the Issuer" or "the company") for the amount of UAH 34...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaCCC- (uaCCC minus) long-term credit rating to the forthcoming issues of the registered zero-coupon (housing) bonds by Kiev-based "Proizvodstvenniy Vektor" LLC ("the Issuer" or "the company") of G series for the amount of UAH 675...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced change from Stable to Positive in Outlook on the uaBBB long-term credit rating assigned to "Lutsk Automobile Plant" OJSC ("Luaz", "the Issuer" or "the company"). The agency has also changed Outlook from Stable to Positive on the uaBBB long-term credit rating assigned to the issue of the registered coupon bonds for the amount of UAH 130m with the 5-year original maturity...
«Credit-Rating», a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine has today announced the assignment of the uaBB+ (uaBB plus) long-term credit rating to the forthcoming issue of the registered zero-coupon (housing) bonds (A, B, C series) by Sevastopol-based (Autonomous Republic of Crimea) Closed Joint-Stock Project and Construction Company «Sevastopolzhilstroy» («the Issuer» or «the company») for the amount of UAH 13...
"Credit-Rating", a nationally-recognized credit rating agency in Ukraine, has today announced the upgrade from uaBB to uaBB+ (uaBB plus) long-term credit rating assigned to the bonds issued by the city of Vinnitsa for the amount of 20m with the 3-year original maturity...