Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of financially stable rating uaA to National Joint Stock Insurance Company Oranta. Factors supporting the credit rating's level: NJSIC Oranta is a leader in the market of classical insurance (market share in this segment is over 10%) and the largest retail insurer of Ukraine (market share in the segment of individual insurance is about 12%); high diversification of insurance portfolio in different insurance risks, economical branches and segments; rather high quality of investment portfolio which is 77% formed by high-liquidity assets; high index of the companys independence from reinsurance, deliberate policy of risk avoidance...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaCCC credit rating to seven registered interest-free (target) bond issues by BC Glavmash, Ltd (Kharkiv) of A-Z series in the total amount of UAH 58.96 million with a circulation period till 12...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the upgrade of the long-term credit rating of the registered interest-free (target) bond issues by Proizvodstvennyy Vektor, Ltd (A series in the amount of UAH 14.31 million, B series in the amount of UAH 58 million, C series in the amount of UAH 145 million with a circulation period of 5 years, D series in the amount of UAH 36...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaB credit rating to the scheduled registered interest-free (target) bond issue (A-G series) by Scientific Production Enterprise Plastopolimer, Ltd (Simferopil district) in the amount of UAH 80 million with a circulation period of 2 years...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaB credit rating to the scheduled registered interest-free (target) bond issue by Forum-Investbud, Ltd (Zaporizhya) of A series in the amount of UAH 14.3 million with a circulation period till 03...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaCC credit rating to the scheduled registered interest-free (target) bond issue (A-J series) to Production Association Zhytlomarket-Invest, Ltd (Kyiv) in the amount of UAH 39...
Today independent rating agency Credit-rating announced the granting of long-term uaBBB+ credit rating to JSCB TAS-Commerzbank. Factor supporting the credit rating's level: Dynamical growth of main balance indices (banks assets grew from UAH 942 million the start of 2005 to UAH 2 billion as of 01...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaCCC credit rating to the scheduled registered interest-free (discount) bond issue (A series) by PC Ars-Dom (Ivano-Frankivsk) in the amount of UAH 50 million with a circulation period of 10 years...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaCC credit rating to the scheduled registered interest-free (target) bond issue (A-D series) by Foundation Yakisne Zhytlo, Ltd (Kyiv) in the amount of UAH 43.6 million with a circulation period of 2...
Today independent rating agency Credit-Rating announced the granting of a long-term uaB+ credit rating to the scheduled registered interest-free (discount) bond issue (A series) by Ars-Dom, Ltd (Ivano-Frankivsk) in the amount of UAH 25 million with a circulation period of 10 years...