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Monthly Survey Of Ukraine’s Economy in September-October 2010
The GDP growth in 9M2010 has been driven by numerous factors connected with improvements in both external and internal economic environments. The economy growth in the states that are major Ukraine’s trade partners in 1H2010 contributed to rising output and sale at the companies which are traditional Ukraine’s exporters, notably in metallurgical and machine-building sectors...
Hardships Of Companies in Mineral Fertilizers Industry
The development of mineral fertilizers market and the financial state of its companies are primarily driven by demand for their produce. The market is also greatly affected by dynamics of prices for raw materials and by demand on foreign markets for the products made by Ukrainian companies, and by volumes of mineral fertilizers imported to Ukraine...
Survey of Ukraine's pharmaceutical sector
The national medicines market is divided into hospital and retail segments. The sale of medicines in the hospital segment is performed via medical and prophylactic institutions. The retail segment is represented mostly by pharmacy chains. The biggest portion of the sales of the overall national volume in 1H2010 was reported in the city of Kiev (13 and eastern Ukraine's regions (around 33...
Municipalities of Ukraine: Features of Social and Economic Development
Ukraine is a country with rather high urbanization. There are 459 municipalities, which are home to 31.5 million inhabitants (as at Jul. 1, 2010) or 69% of Ukraine's overall population.   The article is given in Russian
Survey Of Fruit And Vegetable Canned Products
The most wide-spread types of fruit and vegetable production of cans in Ukraine are production of juices, canned vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, mais, beans, etc.) and production of jams, fruit jellies, compotes and other products.   The article is given in Russian
Survey of Ukraine's Survey of Ukraine's Economic Development in August-Septmber 2010
The recovery rates in 8 months of the year remain rather low. According to the National Bank, the index of production of fundamental sectors was under 2%. Generally, we expect low pace of development of the real sector of economy by end 2010   The article is given in Russian
General Information on Ukraine's Ferroalloys Sector
Ferroalloys are alloys of iron with silicium, manganese, chrome, and other elements primarily used in steel production. The demand for ferroalloys follows the demand for ferrous metallurgy products. The metallurgy is a fundamemtal sector of the national economy, being a driver of industrial production in the country and contributing to a large share of the GDP and export revenue...
General Information on Bakery Sector of Ukraine
In recent years the national bakery sector has displayed declining output driven by decreased consumption, demographic factors, and increased output by small bakeries, supermarkets, and by households (with these amounts not accounted for by statistics). According to 2009 preliminary data, there were produced 1775 thousand tons of bakery products, which was 11...
Survey of Ukraine's Chemicals Market
The chemicals market suffered the most from the financial crisis, which was prompted by plummeted demand for the chemicals in global markets. The situation has been worsened by troubles with natural gas supply and its rising prices resulting in loss-generation of chemical production...
Analysis of heavy engineering sector
Heavy engineering is a multi-sectoral segment, which is one of the leading in the national economy. The entities in this sector are characterized with high consumption of metals, large scales, and low transportability of products. Usually such entities have full production cycle - preparation, processing, and assembling; they manufacture small series, or even items of products...
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