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Survey of Ukraine's pipe sector
The pipe sector is the biggest consumer of metals in the national economy. The pipe production is characterized with high cyclicality, prompted by wide fluctuations of prices for the produce and raw materials, with the demand dependent upon seasonality factors...
Survey of Ukraine's hydrocarbones market
Ukraine consumes considerable volumes of natural gas, although the natural gas produced in the country covers only one third of the needs - this make Ukraine energy-dependent. The country produces over 20 billion cubic meters of gas, with its consumption being at 60 (Table1)...
Analysis of building materials market in 1H2010
In 2008 and 2009 the construction sector experience deep impact of the crisis which resulted in hardships with project financing because of the hampered borrowers’ access to lending. Such hardships affected potential buyers of real estate property, which resulted in plummeted effective demand, and influenced construction companies which raised loans for implementing their projects...
Survey of telecommunications market of Ukraine
During 1H2010 the impact of economic crisis on Ukraine’s telecommunications market was insignificant if compared with other sectors. Specifically in 1H2010 the earnings from postal and communication services rose by 3% to UAH31.3bn versus 2009 (with UAH12...
Creditworthiness Of Sugar Makers In Crisis
The key features of sugar sector that drive its development are its relatively closed nature in the past few years and stable sugar consumption.       The article is given in Russian
Analysis Of Ukraine’s Retailing Market In 1H2010
The Ukrainian retailing market demonstrated in 1H2010 gradually rising volumes fueled by increased consumption       The article is given in Ukrainian
Analysis Of Rechargeable Batteries Market
The structure of rechargeable baterries market encompasses two segments: the primary segment orientated at car manufacturing, and the secondary segment orientated at cyclical substitution of batteries which ran out its resource. Basing on these facts, the key feature of rechargeable batteries sector is its dependency upon demand for vehicles and available fleet of vehicles...
General Character Of Ukraine's Aircraft Industry
The aircraft industry belongs to strategically important sectors of Ukraine's economy. Ukraine is among 9 countries that have full cycle aircraft production facilities. The key national aircraft manufacturingentities areAntonov State Company, Kharkiv State Aircraft Manufacturing Company, and Factory 410 Of Civil Aviation State Company...
General Character of Ukraine's Automotive Market
According to Ukravtoprom Association, in June 2010 the national car makers produced 6 780 units of automotive equipment. Generally, in 1H2010 there were manufactured 30 989 authomobiles in 1H2010 (10 710 in 1Q2010), which was 18% less than in 1H2009. This number includes passenger cars - 27 251, lorries - 2 624, and buses - 1 114...
Survey Of Railway Trasportation Sector for 1H2010
Today, the key element of Ukraine's transportation system is railroads. The Ukrainian railroad network is one of the most developed in Europe taking leading positions by volumes of cargo and passenger transportation within Ukraine and plays importatnt transit role...
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